Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 29 '05 esl>eng por lo que en base a las mismas otorgan ...and based on them set the following terms easy closed ok
- May 4 '05 esl>eng seguridad interior domestic security easy closed ok
4 Feb 2 '05 esl>eng método de grageado, encapsulación., etc tableting, encapsulation methods easy closed no
4 Oct 4 '04 esl>eng fin de mes end of month easy closed ok
- Sep 20 '04 esl>eng pactos parasociales parasocial agreements easy closed ok
- Aug 5 '04 eng>esl registered company sociedad legalmente constituida easy closed ok
4 Aug 4 '04 esl>eng derecho informático e informática jurídica IT Law / Legal IT easy closed ok
- Aug 2 '04 eng>esl overbid sobrevalorar easy closed no
- Nov 11 '03 eng>esl Assignment and assumption agreement and amendment acuerdo y enmienda de asignación y asunción easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered