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Search results: (101 matches)
Trados support Studio 2011: Select whole source text and copy to target Tried that but did not work Hi Paul, I tried that and it still did not
work. I even tried to pre-translate and tick
the copy source to target when no translation, but
it still does not work. Any
Ade Indarta Jul 18, 2012
Trados support Studio 2011: Select whole source text and copy to target in Studio Express Hi Paul, I am trying this Copy All Source to
Target but it does not work, both using shortcut
and from menu. Is this because I am using the
Express version? Thanks! Ade
Ade Indarta Jun 13, 2012
Trados support Idiom 10 Readings about using Studio Express with Worldserver Hi Paul, Do you have any documentation about
how to work with Worldserver using Studio Express?
Like how to do concordance online, upload package
to WorldServer directly from Studio,
Ade Indarta Mar 2, 2012 training Measuring translation quality Where to download the materials? So where can I download the materials? Any link? I
tried to click the link at the Registration box
and it gave me the incorrect interpreting training
materials. Thank you! Best regards,
Ade Indarta Nov 23, 2011
Money matters "POST-EDITING" (yes or no) Different level of quality [quote]Tineke Van Beukering wrote: I agree that
a post-edited text may read differently than a
text that has been translated and checked by
humans. But the purpose of post-edited texts
Ade Indarta May 9, 2011
Localization Anyone here ever use mygengo's String? Any concern about confidentiality? Hi guys, Anyone here ever use mygengo's String?
( It's a online
translation collaboration tool. Any concern about
confidentiality? Thanks, Ade
Ade Indarta Jan 21, 2011
Localization Best TM tool to handle PO file? (for a non-tech-savvy translator) Swordfish Thanks Rodolfo. I just installed the trial version
in my Mac. I have a TM in TMX format created from
OmegaT. I tried to translate PO files in Swordfish
using the TMX file. I have created a
Ade Indarta Nov 18, 2010
Localization Best TM tool to handle PO file? (for a non-tech-savvy translator) Need those "sophisticated things" The problem is I need those sophisticated things.
:( I found Okapi framework which can convert PO
files to Xliff. I hope this works. Thanks, Ade
Ade Indarta Nov 16, 2010
Localization Best TM tool to handle PO file? (for a non-tech-savvy translator) Hi All, My client seems to think that PO files
are the easiest format for their engineer to
create in localizing a web application. However,
for me, a non-tech-savvy translator, PO file
Ade Indarta Nov 16, 2010
Indonesian Himpunan Penerjemah Indonesia - Harapan Anda Visi yang lebih luas Lebih berupaya mempromosikan profesi penerjemah,
tidak sekedar mempromosikan anggota HPI untuk
mendapatkan pekerjaan dari klien (HPI organisasi
profesi, bukan agensi penerjemah). Upaya<
Ade Indarta Nov 3, 2010
Indonesian Adakah yang punya daftar agensi di Indonesia? Lebih baik agensi dalam negeri dulu [quote]Hipyan Nopri wrote: Lebih baik
menghubungi agensi luar negeri saja dan lakukan
penawaran spekulatif. Sejauh pengalaman saya,
serendah2nya tarif agensi luar negeri (Asia) tetap
Ade Indarta Oct 19, 2010
Trados support Post processing TM in Trados Manual or align You could either manually edit the TM or align the
new target text with the source text.
Ade Indarta Oct 14, 2010
Machine Translation (MT) Post-editing HT Editing V.S MT Post-editing Hi Jeff, Thanks for your reply. You
mentioned that HT refers to TEP cycle. TEP usually
involves at least two to three translators, each
being responsible for each stage. I think this
Ade Indarta Aug 8, 2010
Machine Translation (MT) Post-editing I just started my reading on post-editing. But I
found that most researches on post-editing are to
compare the productivity between Postediting and
Human Translation. Should it be MT+Post
Ade Indarta Aug 8, 2010
Software applications new overview article on MT postediting Any new link? Hi Jeff, I am really interested with
post-editing. I just read your article in
Translation and Computer. (Jeffry Allen, that is
you, right?) I am looking for other reference
on t
Ade Indarta Aug 6, 2010
Off topic That's what you get from crowdsourcing... :-) Proof that the crowds are not always wise Especially when the crowds are pranksters.
:) Ade
Ade Indarta Aug 3, 2010
Trados support Studio 2009 - How to overwrite the target column (multiple segments edition) Create TM from the proofread xls file Hi Paola, Have you tried creating TM from your
proofread xls file and apply the TM to your
translation? Regards, Ade
Ade Indarta Jul 8, 2010
Trados support SDL Trados studio SP1/Failed to load project...urgent help needed Create the path Trados Studio cannot find My fellow translator has just had the same
problem. She managed to solve the problem after
creating manually the path that trados studio
cannot find. She also coppied a "dummy" sdlproj
Ade Indarta Jul 8, 2010
Trados support remove pretranslated segments from ttx re-pretranslate with empty TM You can try to re-pretranslate with empty TM. Tag
editor will copy all source segments since it
will not be able to find any match from your empty

[Edited at 2010-05-25 16:05 G
Ade Indarta May 25, 2010
Getting established Optimum number of clients / agencies to work for? Not the number of clients but the volume of works I think you need to consider the volume of works
that you received, instead of the number of
clients. 30% is maximum that you should receive
from one client. More than that, you might
Ade Indarta May 25, 2010
Indonesian Tawaran Order Agensi AS Lebih Rendah dari Agensi Asia Tarif akan merata Kalo gak salah saya dulu pernah menyebutkan di
Proz atau Bahtera saya lupa, seiring dengan
berkembangnya sarana komunikasi (Internet dalam
hal ini), batasan rate Asia dan Amerika akan
Ade Indarta May 13, 2010
Business issues Professional Translators Against Crowdsourcing and Other Unethical Business Practices What I am worried about... Crowdsourcing is a fact. Whether we like it or
not, it is there and we will see more of it in the
future. As a matter a fact, it will create more
jobs for us. Instead of doing translation,
Ade Indarta Dec 22, 2009
Indonesian Layakkah rate USD 0.03 per kata? Kurva Pengalaman [quote]Hipyan Nopri wrote: Perlu diingat bahwa
semakin besar volume order penerjemahan, semakin
besar sumber daya waktu, tenaga, pikiran, listrik,
Internet, dll. yg harus kita gunakan.
Ade Indarta Dec 15, 2009
Indonesian perbedaan waktu indonesia dg internasional client kepada moderator: aturan tentang back-link [quote]vema123
wrote: [b][url=http://www.indonesianlanguag]Learn Bahasa[/url][/b]
[/quote] Kepada moderator, apakah di forum
ini ada aturan tentang ba
Ade Indarta Nov 24, 2009
Indonesian Komputasi awang-awang (Cloud Computing) untuk penerjemahan Lionbridge akan mengeluarkan solusi baru untuk
penerjemah tahun depan dalam konsep komputasi
awang-awang (cloud
reelancers.aspx Ap
Ade Indarta Nov 5, 2009
Indonesian Klien Yang Nakal Rugi kita sendiri [quote]vicksy nurhayati wrote: saya harus
ngasih dua invoice: satu untuk kantor dan satunya
untuk dia. P Salam, Vicksy [/quote] Kalau
seperti ini bukannya yang rugi nanti malah M
Ade Indarta Nov 4, 2009
Indonesian Crowdsourcing [kumpuldaya] untuk proyek terjemahan Terima kasih tanggapannya Pertanyaan saya muncul karena saya membandingkan
profesi kita dengan profesi profesional lainnya,
misal dokter. Saya tahu banyak dokter yang
melakukan pemeriksaan gratis untuk
Ade Indarta Oct 22, 2009
Indonesian Crowdsourcing [kumpuldaya] untuk proyek terjemahan He2 melanjutkan diskusi di Bahtera
( karena
pertanyaannya lebih spesifik, saya rasa lebih
tepat ditanyakan di forum ini. Berikut saya
Ade Indarta Oct 15, 2009
Indonesian Konferensi Lokalisasi di Thailand Tautan ke bagian biaya Makasih Pak. Kalau tautan ke halaman yang
mencantumkan biayanya ada gak ya? Saya lihat di
halaman itu tidak ada. Atau harus sign-up dulu
baru bisa lihat biayanya? Salam, Ade
Ade Indarta Oct 15, 2009
Indonesian Konferensi Lokalisasi di Thailand Sudah ada yang mendaftar konferensi di Thailand?
Berapa ya bayarnya? Saya cari-cari di halamannya
koq sampai detik ini belum ketemu. Thanks, Ade
Ade Indarta Oct 15, 2009
Trados support Importing Excel file into Termbase Use Termbase module Hi Andrew, I do not know if you have tried this
but you can go to Start > Program > SDL
International > SDL Trados > SDLX Then you can
choose the Termbase Module, open or create your
Ade Indarta Apr 24, 2009
Indonesian Lokasi Konferensi Desember di Thailand ya? Desember ini di Thailand ya? Ada yang
ikut? Mas Harry gak jadi ikut rombongan
bahtera ke Jogja? Ade
Ade Indarta Mar 30, 2009
Indonesian Optimiskan Anda tahun ini? Artikel Sejenis Ini ada beberapa artikel yang berhubungan dengan
topik diskusi
Ade Indarta Jan 7, 2009
Indonesian Optimiskan Anda tahun ini? Optimisme yang keliru bisa berbahaya! Membahas sedikit tentang optimisme, menurut saya
kalau diumpamakan orang yang sakit, optimisme itu
bukan merupakan obat yang dapat menyembuhkan
penyakit kita tapi merupakan air yang memban
Ade Indarta Jan 7, 2009
Indonesian 'Cuti Melahirkan' buat Penerjemah Segera He2 yang jawab laki-laki semua gak apa-apa
ya.:p Iya betul tuh. Mulai awal tahun ni bisa.
Lebih baik kalo email langsung ke klien, terutama
klien yang proyeknya masih berlanjut. Biasany
Ade Indarta Dec 30, 2008
Indonesian InDesign: Seberapa susah dan njelimet ? Rate-nya? Kalau kerjain di software yang susah gitu,
rate-nya tetep biasa rate terjemahan atau ditambah
rate DTP tuh biasanya? Ade
Ade Indarta Dec 3, 2008
Indonesian InDesign: Seberapa susah dan njelimet ? Tag Editor dan SDLX Setuju. Pake tag editor atau SDLX kan bisa mbak.
Kan CAT tool memang diciptakan untuk memudahkan
penerjemah agar bisa menerjemahkan berbagai jenis
file tanpa perlu menguasai macam2
Ade Indarta Dec 2, 2008
Indonesian Menterjemah atau menginterpretasi? penerjemah yang jelas yang benar penerjemah kan? bukan
penterjemah... Ade
Ade Indarta Nov 21, 2008
Indonesian Nilai Tukar Dollar Rupiah Turun ---> Rates Perlu Naik? Bantu selamatkan rupiah He2 ayo tukar ke rupiah semua. Udah terlalu tinggi
dolar-nya. Kasihan si rupiah. Mari bantu rupiah
selamatkan rupiah.:p Ade
Ade Indarta Nov 21, 2008
Indonesian Menghitung Tarif Terjemahan Per Jam Untuk penerjemah lepas Terima kasih Bu Suzan atas tanggapannya.
Sebenarnya konteks pertanyaan saya memang untuk
penerjemah lepas, terutama mengenai kaitan antara
tarif per kata dengan tarif per jam. Seperti<
Ade Indarta Nov 13, 2008
Indonesian Menghitung Tarif Terjemahan Per Jam Kalau saya menghitung tarif terjemahan per jam
biasanya dengan logika seperti ini: Tarif per
jam= Jumlah kata yang bisa saya terjemahkan dalam
satu jam X tarif per kata Menariknya, k
Ade Indarta Nov 13, 2008
Indonesian Penerjemah bahasa daerah Susah Sepertinya menerjemahkan ke bahasa daerah agak
susah ya. Masalahnya, perkembangan bahasa daerah,
bahasa Jawa misalnya, sekarang ini lebih ke bahasa
lisan, bukan tulis. Jadi orang yang bias
Ade Indarta Nov 13, 2008
Indonesian Laman HPI Koq gak nambah? Koq masih sama terus nih isinya... Ade Ade Indarta Nov 10, 2008
Indonesian Laman HPI Web 1.0 Kelihatannya masih Web 1.0 ya? Pengunjung gak
bisa apa-apa kecuali membaca. Ade
Ade Indarta Sep 9, 2008
Indonesian PayPal salah alamat, gimana nih solusinya? Jangan accept Soalnya kalo gak salah kalo belum verified gak
bisa buat kirim kan? Ade
Ade Indarta Aug 15, 2008
Indonesian PayPal salah alamat, gimana nih solusinya? O O, kalo mbak Vicksy gak mau menerima pembayaran di
ID yang salah ini ya memang harus klik "Deny".
Trus nanti minta klien untuk kirim ke alamat yang
benar. TAPI baiknya dibaca dulu Persy
Ade Indarta Aug 15, 2008
Indonesian PayPal salah alamat, gimana nih solusinya? Salah apanya Mbak? Kalau salah koq di laman Paypal Mbak Vicksy bisa
muncul accept/deny pembayaran itu ya? Ade
Ade Indarta Aug 15, 2008
Trados support error code " cursor must be in source or target field" Try manually Have you tried to close the segment manually using
macros? Try Tools > Macros > Macros >
TemplateProject.tw4winClose.Main >
Run Ade

[Edited at 2008-08-14 15:56]
Ade Indarta Aug 14, 2008
Trados support error code " cursor must be in source or target field" Does your document have complex layout? Hi Michele, I once experienced the same problem
when I was working with a document with complex
layout (lots of pictures and tables). Maybe you
can try to change the view into Normal vi
Ade Indarta Aug 14, 2008
Indonesian Alamat E-mail khusus Kalo buat penerjemah, gratisan sepertinya tidak ada masalah Saya menggunakan Yahoo dan sampai saat ini belum
pernah ada klien yang komplain. Risiko email
gratis paling risiko kebobolan email. Tapi Kitakan
sudah tandatangan kontrak dan NDA, jadi
Ade Indarta Aug 13, 2008

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