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Off topic: 不翻译时聊电影(Translations and Movies)
Thread poster: chance (X)
chance (X)
chance (X)
uit Frans in Chinees
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我就知道你不会理解我的意思 May 5, 2007



Wenjer Leuschel wrote:


Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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呵呵呵 May 5, 2007

chance wrote:



Wenjer Leuschel wrote:




wherestip  Identity Verified
Verenigde State
Local time: 12:46
uit Chinees in Engels
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满城尽带黄金甲 May 6, 2007

Martin Jones wrote:

。。。 这或许是我迟迟没有看这部电影的原因吧。

IMO you haven't missed much. I much prefer his earlier movies, such as "Ju Dou" and "Raise the Red Lantern". The story lines, acting, scenery, etc. in his earlier work are much more realistic and meaningful than this fairy tale of a film.

There's a Chinese proverb that sums up director Yimou Zhang's visual masterpiece: gold and jade on the outside, rot and decay within. That's life in China's Forbiden city for the royal family; a place where the emperor (Chow Yun Fat) and his empress, Phoenix (Gong Li) intrigue against one another, in a bloody family feud.

As you can see, most of the reviews over here did not give the movie very high praise. I think the Rolling Stone review summed it up quite succinctly: 金玉其外, 败絮其中.

IMO this proverb not only applies to palace life in the storyline, but to some extent also the film itself. I really think 张艺谋 needs to go back to basics and pick some scripts with more spiritual themes instead of focusing on eye-popping sets and stunning imagery seen in his more recent work.

[Edited at 2007-05-07 01:52]

wherestip  Identity Verified
Verenigde State
Local time: 12:46
uit Chinees in Engels
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借古讽今 ? May 7, 2007

wherestip wrote:


Having watched quite a few movies directed by Zhang Yimou(actually most of the Chinese movies I've seen are directed by him), it's hard to believe that this director would make a movie that doesn't have a central theme and convey a strong moral message.

However, I think perhaps the device of using an ancient story to send a message of moral values might be totally lost to the audience, especially to the western mind. I suspect the movie, in a cynical hidden way, is really railing against the so-called traditional values of "忠孝义悌" and tearing at its phony facade.

I'd rather watch movies like "The story of Qiu Ju", "To Live", "Farewell My Concubine", all of which exposes a side of the system and society (at the time) in a straight forward manner. I also like movies like "The Road Home", "Not One Less", "Happy Times", etc. which all have an uplifting spiritual message in one way or another.

Don't get me wrong. I think Zhang is a very accomplished director, defintiely one of the best.

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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带着脚镣手铐跳探戈 May 7, 2007

wherestip wrote:

Having watched quite a few movies directed by Zhang Yimou(actually most of the Chinese movies I've seen are directed by him), it's hard to believe that this director would make a movie that doesn't have a central theme and convey a strong moral message.

However, I think perhaps the device of using an ancient story to send a message of moral values might be totally lost to the audience, especially to the western mind. I suspect the movie, in a cynical hidden way, is really railing against the so-called traditional values of "忠孝义悌" and tearing at its phony facade.


wherestip wrote:

I'd rather watch movies like "The story of Qiu Ju", "To Live", "Farewell My Concubine", all of which exposes a side of the system and society (at the time) in a straight forward manner. I also like movies like "The Road Home", "Not One Less", "Happy Times", etc. which all have an uplifting spiritual message in one way or another.

Steve 看来是比较直来直往的人。这些电影我也同样喜欢,尤其像陈凯歌的 "霸王别姬" 那种电影,让人立即看见问题的根由。"都是四人帮闹的。现在好了。" 看到这里,只能笑出眼泪。至于 "一个不能少",那是另一种风格,稍微朴实、接近某个阶层的现实,更能打动人心。

wherestip wrote:

Don't get me wrong. I think Zhang is a very accomplished director, defintiely one of the best.


wherestip  Identity Verified
Verenigde State
Local time: 12:46
uit Chinees in Engels
+ ...
陈凯歌 May 7, 2007

Wenjer Leuschel wrote:

这些电影我也同样喜欢,尤其像陈凯歌的 "霸王别姬" 那种电影,让人立即看见问题的根由。"都是四人帮闹的。现在好了。" 看到这里,只能笑出眼泪。

Oops, my mistake. "Farewell My Concubine" was directed by Chen Kaige, not Zhang Yimou. Perhaps Gong Li starring in the movie led me to think that since the two of them seemed almost joined at the hip in the early '90s.

redred  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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96年左右的奥斯卡片 May 7, 2007

pkchan wrote:

這個DVD已買了很久了,只看了兩次,一直放在土庫的書架上封塵。前些時候,在電視上一再看了比得奧圖的沙漠梟雄,便想起The English Patient 這部電影,那沙漠的景色,浩瀚黃沙,著實拍得太美了。雖然,電影所講的是一個出位的愛情故事,捌開道德不談,單看愛情故事本身,是那麼纏綿。統觀古今中外的愛情故事,值得文學家去動筆的,值得讀者去花費的,大多不乏出位的情節,而The English Patient 就是有這樣的一個故事情節。


Jason Ma
Jason Ma  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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王洛勇 May 20, 2007

王洛勇演过的片子我比较喜欢 May 19

我第一次看王洛勇演的片子时《走过旧金山》,这是他从纽约回来后出演的一部电视剧。后来他的佳作不断:《冰山上的来客》中的杨排长,《智取威虎山》中的杨子荣。其实早在他去美国之前出演了一位描写身患绝症音乐教 师的电影,只可惜不知道片名。据说这部片子在日本上映时,观众或哭泣,或流泪,但在国内反应平平。


pkchan  Identity Verified
Verenigde State
Local time: 13:46
Member (2006)
uit Engels in Chinees
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《廊桥遗梦》The Bridges of Madison County May 20, 2007

中年男人夢中的情人﹕梅麗史翠寶成熟之作。美國國家地理雜誌曾聲明,他們的攝影師是堅守專業道德的,不會藉著工作,與有夫之婦有染的。看完電影後,買了小說,還到圖書館借了有聲書的音帶,邊看邊聽,是一種享受。在下雨天,攝影師的車在小鎮兜圈子,梅麗史翠寶的內心斗爭絕對是厲害的,她始終沒有上車,在家庭與愛情之間的抉擇,她選擇了家庭, 單是看這一場�... See more
中年男人夢中的情人﹕梅麗史翠寶成熟之作。美國國家地理雜誌曾聲明,他們的攝影師是堅守專業道德的,不會藉著工作,與有夫之婦有染的。看完電影後,買了小說,還到圖書館借了有聲書的音帶,邊看邊聽,是一種享受。在下雨天,攝影師的車在小鎮兜圈子,梅麗史翠寶的內心斗爭絕對是厲害的,她始終沒有上車,在家庭與愛情之間的抉擇,她選擇了家庭, 單是看這一場戲,已值回票價了。

redred wrote:


[Edited at 2007-05-20 02:57]

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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太阳帝国 May 25, 2007

昨夜在 HBO Asia 又看了一次 Steven Spielberg 拍的 Empire of the Sun,依然如同十九年前在出差的飞机上看到时那样感动。


谈世态人情,还有谁拍的电影比得上 Steven Spielberg?

pkchan  Identity Verified
Verenigde State
Local time: 13:46
Member (2006)
uit Engels in Chinees
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Michael Moore又有新作 Jun 11, 2007

中文譯名﹕窮人無健保, 或﹕病態

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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Once Upon a Time in America Jun 13, 2007

Robert De Niro 這樣的演員非常難得,他演的黑道份子更是特別,是那種有情有義的兄弟,不是混混。

1984 年的片子了,但是一部經典,值得一看再看。

另外是 De Niro 和 Sharon Stone 演對手戲的 Casion,這一類的電影能讓人對美國社會的歷史演化有一點了解。不同文化背景的移民社群,在無限可能的新世界裡為了生存,形成各種不同的集團組織;生存看來相當殘酷,但背後有一定的道理。Robert De Niro 把那些道理詮釋得淋漓盡致。

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
+ ...
The Constant Gardener Jun 13, 2007

Ralph Fiennes 和 Rachel Weisz 主演的這部片子很特別。故事情節曲折,但很真實。似乎在整個地球各地都有可能發生。值得看、值得想。

Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
+ ...
Runaway Jury Jun 13, 2007

Another film with Rachel Wiesz, this time with John Cusack, Dustin Hoffman and Gene Hackman:


Wenjer Leuschel (X)
Wenjer Leuschel (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:46
uit Engels in Chinees
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Sophie's Choice Jun 15, 2007's_Choice_(film)

這部 1982 年殺青的電影相當震撼人心,它描述了受難者的一生如何被他們的苦難扭曲人格,無法正常生活。讓我最不能忘懷的是最後一幕,鏡頭緩緩拉開遠離兩位主角自殺後的那張床,旁白響起 Emily Dickinson 的詩句:

Ample make this bed.
Make this be
... See more's_Choice_(film)

這部 1982 年殺青的電影相當震撼人心,它描述了受難者的一生如何被他們的苦難扭曲人格,無法正常生活。讓我最不能忘懷的是最後一幕,鏡頭緩緩拉開遠離兩位主角自殺後的那張床,旁白響起 Emily Dickinson 的詩句:

Ample make this bed.
Make this bed with awe;
In it wait till judgment break
Excellent and fair.

Be its mattress straight,
Be its pillow round;
Let no sunrise’ yellow noise
Interrupt this ground.


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