The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Medies: Tandheelkunde Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
'Myloyse' Erosion
acte de bilan (billable) procedure
alésage apical et coronaire apex and crown boring
Entered by: Emma Grubb
Anamnèse, instruct/motiv., 5 min history taking of motivation and instructions for oral hygiene, 5 minutes
Entered by: liz askew
Angle de torsion Torque angle
année préparatoire D.M.D. qualifying year for dental school
arcarde gingivo-dentaire gingiva(l) surgery and arcades dental surgery surgery
arracher (tooth) fragments to be pulled out
atteinte parodontale periodontal disease
atteinte au niveau du tissu dur hard tissue damage
auto-moulage impression molding
avant volet latéral before lateral window procedure
avec clavette dent with pin-retained core on tooth 27
écarteur de gencive gum or gingival separator
élément inter céramique métal non précieux non precious metal element in dental ceramic
balancier sans rappel non-return (lever) articulated arm
barre amortie de stabilisation stabilizing (removable) damping plate
Biscuit biscuit (or temporarily) fired prosthesis
bloc incisif incisor segment
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
but à but edge to edge
cadran quadrant
calage maxillo-mandibulaire maxillo-mandibular alignment
Entered by: Younes TAZI
calage postérieur posterior wedging
Entered by: Heather Phillips
canalicules *en virgule* comma-shaped curvatures of the/comma-shaped/dentinal tubules
Entered by: liz askew
cé de mesure C-gauge
champ patient avec découpe U U shaped or cut-out sterile field
Cire de propulsion construction wax bite to define the amount of protrusion
Entered by: liz askew
clé core ; shell
comblement osseux osseous filling
complexe complex or combined procedure
coque de prise bonding shell
cristaux d’hydroxyapatite hydroxyapatite (crystals)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
culot du cône de coulée base of the sprue cone/former
débrouillardise make do
décalage condylien condylar displacement or displacement of the mandibular condyle
décalage de consultation deferred appointment
Entered by: Tony M
délivrance (par le service de garde) unless performed by staff on duty/call
déplacement en élévation displacement with lift or elevation
Détartrage et pério(dontie) scaling and periodontal care
détartrage-surfaçage radiculaire scaling and root planing
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