The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Medies: Instrumente Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
articulé à crémaillères ratchet operated
boucle de fixation distale distal anchoring ring
'les parois du pédicule' pedicle walls
Entered by: liz askew
'pour ancrer un ancillaire' to anchor an ancillary tool
Entered by: liz askew
A la fin du vent, déconnecter les bouteilles Disconnect the bottles when venting is completed
aboutissement an end in itself
Agitateur à plaque plate shaker
alésoir reamer
Entered by: liz askew
alimentarité suitability for contact with foods
amorces à la rupture crack initiation
ampli (amplificateur de brillance) image intensifier
Analyseur Monocanal NaI single-channel analyzer with NaI detector (well counter)
anatomique anatomic (stem)
ancillaires de prothèses (implant) ancillary instruments
apophyses épineuses spinous processes
appareil de biopsie stéréotaxique du sein stereotactic breast biopsy equipment
appui pulpaire toe-ground contact
arceau de scopie radioscopic C-arm
Entered by: liz askew
arrêt at the limit of coating or grit blasting
ascension maximum lift load
auto-taraudant débouchant self tapper and perforating
autoclave à charge poreuse porous load autoclave
à fort potentiel de prescription most likely to prescribe the device or with a strong prescription potential for the devive
éléments déportés remote elements
électrocautérisation Electrocautery Delivery System
étaleur + colorateur automatic slide maker
öse inoculation loop
Entered by: Nathalie Stewart
Banaliseur vertical autoclave with crusher/shredder
bande de contention compression band, compression wrap
barette nasale nose clip
barreau stirrer (bar)
bécher Becher or beaker
bloc de tirs set of ultrasound (pulse) firings
bon à enlever customs clearance certificate allowing to move the goods from customs checking area to zone 1
bosse bump
bouchon méatique à collerette droite lacrimal/punctal plugs with non-slanted collarettes
bouchon rivet expanding punctal plug (SmartPlug), rivet shaped punctal plug
BPCO blindage passif et champ ouvert
Broche étagée sécable Snap-off stepped pin
broche montée sur un mandrin pin (= arthrodesis wire) mounted onto a (wire) driver
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