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uit Frans in Engels Kleinhandel Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
corners scénarisés themed stores-in-stores/concessions
leur attribution (brand) awareness/recognition / awareness of the/their brand
pieds dépose-minute foot studs
abandonniste lapsed customer
achalandage it just means \"display\"
achat 1er prix discount purchasing, discount retailing
achats frais généraux general expense procurement (activities)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
acheteur-revendeur buyer-reseller
alcools homme, alcools femme Perfume for men and women
allée pénétrante dévolue a main aisle devoted to the presentation of
Entered by: Neil Rear
analyse de valeur value analysis
Arrêt tarif determining the price
arrêté caisse till lift
assortiment (here) model
assortir to supply
auprès de l’utilisateur final ou de constructeurs [for] both end-users and manufacturers
aux approvisionnements on proof of delivery of supplies
Entered by: David BUICK
avec caisse embarquée with individual tills
Entered by: Tony M
à 2 chiffres entretenu depuis 20 ans The double-digit growth cycle that it had maintained for 20 years...
à appliquer en équivalence du crédit The applicable pay-in-cash discount rate equals the discount rate given for a line of credit
élégance à fleur de peau exquisite/utmost elegance
élégante sobriété elegant simplicity
électroportatif (Hand Held) (Electrical) Power Tools
épi display stand
équipés users (customers)
Entered by: Michael Meskers
étalagiste visual merchandiser
bac freezers/freezer units/freezer display units...
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
Bac surgelés bonnet typo
Balise Signature items/range/look
barèmes indicators/scales/tariffs/schedules
base arrondie rounded hem
Entered by: Laura Robertson
bases (in context) base amounts/prices
basique du rayon shelf staples, basic products, shelf basics
boni sur inventaire positive variance in inventory
bonne ligne good shape
boutiques internes in-store boutiques/concessions/shops-within-a-shop/stores-within-a-store
broche display rail end-label
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
brumisateur atomiser
Entered by: Neil Rear
BTC Business to Consumer
Entered by: Paula McGowan
Cadran rectangulaire entièrement réversible fully reversible rectangular face
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