The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Vlug/lugmag/ruimte Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
carte de navigant flying crew pass
Cartes et fiches de percée Approach plates/charts
cas majorant upper bound case / upper-bound case
Câbles de chainage daisy chain cable
côté pays land side
CCP Cabin Operator Centre
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
chaîne radio-téléphone de sécurité cellular emergency channel/frequency
chaine de cote tolerance stack-up
charge load
charge linéique des joints gasket flange load
chaudronnerie aéronautique aviation metalwork
châssis auto raidi self-stiffened chassis
Chef d'escale Station Manager
chef de manoeuvre [fire] dispatcher
chef de tour Chief controller
Entered by: Marlene Blanshay
cheminements [verification] paths
chemins d'efforts load pathway
circuits de drainage drainage system
cirulation en route en-route flights
clapet de valve valve plug/valve seal, valve flap
Entered by: Neal Allen
claquage des bougies igniter firing
Cloche thermique Thermal bell
commande de robinet (fuel) cock/valve control
Commissariat catering
compagnies sous licence companies holding a license / operating under a license
comparaison deux à deux side by side comparison
composantes radiales des efforts The radial components of the forces
constater to see; to notice; to be aware of
constructions mécano-soudées weldments
contexte de mission trip context
contraignante more restrictive
contrôle maritime maritime control, maritime patrolling
cordes d\'haubanage tiedown rope for main rotor blades
corps étranger foreign object (FOD - foreign object damage/debris (aviation))
Cote de reprise (mean/average) adjusted dimension
couche limite boundary layer
couples élevés high torques
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
coups de pointeau punch mark
cours au sol 4S et S1 4S and S1 ground training
cover for fuel throat cap volet de trappe accés au bouchon de carburant (prise ou bouche de carburant)
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