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uit Frans in Engels Landbou Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
bande de fossé ditch bank
barreau de buses nozzle bank
Barrette des ruches honeycombs
bas-fond low-lying ground/low land
base 100 on a basis of 100
bassins des bandes roulantes roadway balance ponds / drainage basins
Entered by: Nektaria Notaridou
billon mound
bineuse à portée 6 rangs six row hoe
blé/blé wheat after wheat
Entered by: Carla Selyer
BOB BOB (Best Orthogonal Basis or Best in Business)
Bouchon (here) pellets
Entered by: Alexandra Duckitt
Bouffegouss Boufeggous
boulis pools
bour non-irrigated land
bouton à demi-tours fuel petcock valve
boyau de traîne umbilical system (for slurry spreading)
canadien cultivator
canari yellow knight fungus (Tricholoma flavovirens)
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
capital terre-eau land-water capital
Entered by: Hamidou Ouédraogo
carnet de culture growth (cru) records/notes
carré de rendement plate meter
cas du 137Cs et du 90Sr 137Cs and 90Sr isotopes
casier agricole mosaic irrigation and drainage project
céréales, oléagineux, protéagineux cereals, oil and protein crops
Certificats d'Obtention Végétale New Plant Variety Certificates
chaîne de classement grading line/belt
chaîne de transfert transfer belt
chariot de coupe combine header trailer
Entered by: msabeh
cisale sisal (grass)
Entered by: Mark Nathan
codes de calculs opérationnels de XYZ XYZ's operational calculation codes
coexistence bien accompagnée well supervised/monitored
collecteur (wholesale) grain buyers/traders/dealers
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
colocases taro
commensal du champ companion planting (agric.)
comptoir à graines / comptoir forestier seed bank
Conseil Agricole Agricultural Council
Conseil technico-économique technical(-)economic advice
constructions anarchiques uncontrolled building
contrat type départemental départemental standard contract
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