The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Besigheid/handel (algemeen) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
être à l'agrément de.... to require consent or approval
être chahuté sur les marchés financiers has been taking knocks from the financial markets
être de mise to be required, mandatory
Ça se joue à... it amounts to/it comes to
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
Éditeur intellectuel editor
balance âgée aged balance
balayer examine
baliser chart
banalisable that can be standardised
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
banc patronal employers\' side
bandes de caisses till roll
bannière banner
banque d’échange (photographs) photo bank or photo library
banques de connaissance Knowledge Forums/Banks/Bases
Entered by: Gina W
barquette (pack) tray
barrière à l’entrée barrier to entry
base installée installed base
Battage de Fourrures Pelt beating
bâtiment-relais temporary location for new business
Bâtiments en SCI Buildings held in a property investment partnership
bénéfice net répartissable distributable net profit
Entered by: Gina W
bénévoles chantiers project volunteers
BF = barème de facturation pricing schedule
Entered by: Tony M
BFA (bonification de fin d'année) year-end rebate
bi-hebdomadaire biweekly / fortnightly / twice-weekly
bien goods
bien d'équipement capital goods
Bien plus qu'une exposition ... More than just an ordinary trade show
bien prise en compte received
Entered by: Cristina Pereira
bien rodé well-oiled
biens propres personal property
bilan économique financial balance sheet, financial assessment, financial review, financial results/performance
bilan de campagne à « chaud » immediate campaign review, immediate estimate
bilan des actions engagées activity record / log
bilan social company audit , annual report
billes de chocolat packs of chocolates
Entered by: Sheila Wilson
blistérisé blister packed
blister blister pack
bloc d\'affaires established clientele
Entered by: Michael Meskers
blocage par le froid effects of cold weather
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