The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Idiome / spreekwoorde / spreuke Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
Changer le pansement et penser le changement changing the dressing, addressing the changes to be made
cheminer son petit bonhomme de chemin put/set your little ones on the right path
Coeur sur 2 pattes warm and caring person
composer les gammes learn the ropes
copains comme cochons as thick as thieves
coup de pied donné dans le panier upsetting the apple cart
couple-prêtre couple-prétre (man and woman together / the male-female unit)
crosseur comme une armée de frères crooked as dog's hind leg
Entered by: Peter Freckleton
culotte undies
déchirer les étiquettes defying all labelling
des pommes partout seeing stars
devant l'Éternel one of the greatest...of all time
Entered by: Mark Nathan
diversification du marché en cours de maturation a sign of diversification in a maturing market
Du fil à la pâte From Needles to Noodles
dussé-je en souffrir (Even) if I suffered from / Were I to suffer from
Entered by: Karen Marston
Elle a l'air bonne pareille à du bon pain She looks as sweet as pie
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
elle avait la tête ailleurs ... Her mind was somewhere else
elle ne cache nullement garder de douloureux souvenirs she doesn't make any secret of the fact that she has painful memories (of this period).
elles vous donneront du cœur au ventre they'll buck you up
en avant premiere pre-release
en creux ou en miroir between the lines / implicitly
en mal de devenir short of a future / lacking a future / craving for a future
En vous remerciant de votre confiance We would like to thank you for your (time and) consideration
enfoncer des portes ouvertes to state the obvious
enlever une épine du pied take a weight off / my mind / my shoulders / get out of a tight spot / a tricky situation
Entered by: Claudia Iglesias
entre chien et loup the gloaming / or fig. between a rock and a hard place
Entre nuage de fumée et arguments fumeux Smoke and mirrors
espoir bleu empty promises
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
essuyer les plâtres stick one's neck out
Est-ce qu’il y a un pilote dans l’avion? Is anyone running the show? / Who is running this insane asylum? / Is anybody flying this thing? / Is there anyone at the wheel?
faire le biseau make a smooth join / seamless transition
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
faire le dos rond keep a low profile
faire le pari dared/risked
Entered by: Sandrine Guyennet
faire l\'avant dernière plongé dip for the second-to-last time
filer le blues give you the blues
filer un bon coton cotton on
flibustier filibuster
Forban pirate
gouaille (qui a de la) brash
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