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uit Frans in Engels Medies (algemeen) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
Abdo SDI, BHA+ Abdomen: soft, depressible, painless on palpation, bowel sounds present.
ABDO SDIP Abdomen Souple, Depressible, Indolore, Peristaltisme présent = Soft, no guarding, non-tender, bowel
Abdo SOI Abdomen soft, no guarding, no tenderness
abdomen a blanc plain abdomen
abdomen à blanc plain abdomen, (no contrast medium)
abdomen météorisé tympanitic abdomen
abdomen péritonéal signs of peritoneal irritation
abdomen peu dépressible tense/taut abdomen
abdomen pléthorique distended abdomen / abdominal distension
abduction forcée forced abduction
ABE ABE (Actual Base Excess)
aboiement instrumentalisé learned barking
abolition des réflexes ostéo-tendineux absent deep tendon reflexes
Abord (surgical) approach
abord a minima minimally invasive approach
Abord du genou par voie antéro-interne Using an anterioromedial surgical approach
abord interlamaire interlaminar approach
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
abord/voie intermédiaire externe via two portals:
Abouchement at the entry
Entered by: liz askew
absence d'épanchement libre No peritoneal effusion seen
absence de bourgeon endo-bronchique no endobronchial tumor seen
Absence de cylindres No casts
absence de positionnement no position taken as to patient safety
Absence de signes droits. No signs of right heart failure
Absurde absurd
AC anti muscle lisse isolé positifs ASMA (anti-smooth muscle antibody) positive
ac. anti-fact. intrins. anti-intrinsic factor antibody
acantholyse acantholysis
acédie acedia (A mental disorder characterized by apathy and melancholia)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
ACC Assistant Chef de Clinique = Assistant Chief Resident
accès palustre acute malaria
accès palustre malarial attack
accident cortical cortical stroke
Entered by: liz askew
accident neurologique non-haemorrhagic neurological event
Entered by: liz askew
accidents hémiplégiques transitoires transient hemiplegias
accidents hydrauliques shunting problems
Accompagnement de mort cérébrale Medical management following brain death
accompagnements céphaliques accompanying head movements
Entered by: Carol Gullidge
accroches marks/tracks [from the stitches/sutures]
Entered by: liz askew
Accueil Hospitalisation Inpatient Admissions (Office)
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