The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Name (persoonlik, besigheid) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
mousquetaires company logo
ASSIDER Associazione Industrie Siderurgiche Italiane (ASSIDER)
Association sociale de bienfaisance et de sauvegarde a charitable (public) welfare association
Attaché de coopération Cooperation attaché
Beacco Beacco
Entered by: Yasutomo Kanazawa
BEX J.F. BEX (Bureau de l\'exécution des peines: Sentence Department) J.F. (name)
Caisse d\'allocation vieillesse des agents généraux d\'assurance .... CAVAMAC (French state pension fund for insurance professionals)
Chalet Intersport Jean-Michel Sports Chalet Intersport Jean Michel Sports
chargé des artistes Person in charge of the performers / entertainers / artists
Chef de projet automatisme(s) Automation Project Leader
Courtillier Juge de Paix the person's name
DAO Dessinateur assisté par ordinateur
Entered by: Hermien Desaivre
développeur d'enseignes business development/store network expansion
Direction des Grands Travaux Hydrauliques Directorate of Main Hydraulic Works
Direction patrimoine achats et logistique achats Division of Property, Procurement, and Logistics
G. O. Gentil organisateur
Grand Carénage Grand Carénage [proper name]
Entered by: Tony M
Guillain-Barré [gijε-bare]
Entered by: Céline Débiton
HAS > Haute Autorité de Santé French National Authority for Health
Entered by: Tony M
interroger l\'Etude B refer to/consult the office of B
Inventoriste inventory counter/inventory clerk
Jacques Dutronc Jumping Jack (Flash)
Lycée des Métiers Gustave Eiffel de Reims. Leave it in French.
Entered by: Lara Barnett
Monsieur Courtois Mr...Blank
responsable de la maîtrise d'ouvrage project manager
Responsable hydraulique et essais Hydraulics and Commissioning Manager
SIB Services industriels de Bagnes
vero lasanté Veronique Lasanté
Entered by: Lara Barnett
visa d'etablissement de travail work permit/labour clearance/employment authorisation
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