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uit Frans in Engels Fotografie / beelding (&grafiese kuns) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
ferment d'images catalyst for images
"ses ridicules et ses travers" its absurdities and distortions
Entered by: Helen Shiner
4 fichiers de minuties longues + 4 fichiers de minuties courtes 4 long minutiae files + 4 short minutiae files
4e de couverture outside back cover, OBC
Entered by: Tony M
50Mo en natif 50 MB in native mode
alignant ses mots in its arrangement/placement of words
Entered by: Helen Shiner
allie vernis sélectifs et satinés employ both spot and satin-finish varnish
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
annoncier advertiser
approche (typographie) sidebearing [SEE QUESTION!]
Entered by: Tony M
argentique silver(-based) emulsion
Entered by: Florence Bremond
atténuation contrast / brightness
au fil des plans shot after shot / as shot succeeds shot
Entered by: Tony M
Autre décryptage de l’angélisme politique [in] another manifestation of political angelism [at work]
Entered by: Helen Shiner
axe optique de prise de vue optical axis
axes / troncons d'axes rolls
à la chambre ou en traditionnel large or medium format [context: photography]
Entered by: athena22
à plat / aplat uniform coloured area / (tinted box) / coloured box
Entered by: Tony M
élaborent une perspective visuelle sensée develop a rational visual signature style
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
épreuve chromogène contrecollée Chromogenic print photograph mounted [on aluminum ]
Entered by: liz askew
étrangers à cette sphère de représentation unusual for this type of design
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Bandes strips
bascule [dramatic] perceptual shifts
Entered by: Helen Shiner
blanc tournant white space
borne minimale de longueur lower limit of length
cadrage framing
Entered by: Tony M
carte de contours contour map
cartographies d’échanges amoureux tirés de l’analyse de divers blogs the mapping of amorous exchanges drawn from an analysis of various blogs
Entered by: Helen Shiner
cartouche text box
Ce dernier est souvent appréhendé dans sa dynamique This last (the latter) is frequently perceived (apprehended) within its (own) dynamics
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
champ des significations field of signification
Entered by: Helen Shiner
chapeauter head (v.)
charte graphique graphic identity or graphic theme
charte graphique Graphic Chart / Flow Chart
colle à jeannettes (sérigraphie) table adhesive (screen printing)
Entered by: Nathalie Elson
commandes de textes commissioned articles
conférant au groupe de rock une imagerie affirmée. giving the rock group a distinctive image
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
consultation sur écran on-screen viewing/display
contre les tirages in exchange for the prints
contre type duplicated copy
contre-collage mounting
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