The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Frans in Engels Fotografie / beelding (&grafiese kuns) Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
copinage currying favor (wioth management)
Entered by: Christian Fournier
Coronarographie coronary angiography
créateur designer/commercial artist
Entered by: Helen Shiner
détournement adaptation / adapted
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
développé development / (packaging) net
Entered by: Tony M
de nature éditoriale et informative of an editorial and informative nature
des codes [visual] codes
Entered by: Helen Shiner
des productions d'auteur authored works
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
des soupapes émotionnelles incarnant l’ambiance d’un lieu, d’un pays emotional outlets embodying the atmosphere
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
dispositifs art installations
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
d�rusher (photography context) edit proofs
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
DR (All) rights reserved
ekta [graphics/photo] positive OR transparency OR slide
Entered by: Tony M
ektachrome colour positive OR transparency
Entered by: Tony M
en bonne place parmi les enluminures choisies pour sertir les portraits takes pride of place amongst the illuminations chosen as a setting for the portraits
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
En cadrant à la hanche Shooting from the hip
Entered by: Lara Barnett
en plan étroit in close shot (in tight shot)
en rendu de volume volume rendered
Encadrés visuels carrés Framed shots
enclos fleuris suburban gardens
entretien révélateur developer replenisher
film fenêtré sur du carton windowed film over a substrate [or film serving as a window over a substrate]
Fonctionner à 4 Mosaic feature/split-screen
Entered by: Emily Plank
fond perdu bleed-off
gaufrier grid
graphiste exécutant(e) Photoshop expert / lay-out expert etc.
graphistes critiques independent/avant-garde graphic artists
Entered by: Sasha Barral-Robinson
gravure (index) mark / marking
Entered by: Tony M
iconographe picture researcher / iconographer
image à réseau ligné grill of fine bands
image communicante communicative image
images au trait line drawings
Inclinaison inclination
insoler par contact expose to light
installation installation
intégré in-house
intercase gutter
la diagonale d'éloignement receding diagonal
la diagonale de rapprochement advancing diagonal
la liberté d’action qu’il revendique avec un statut d’artiste. the freedom of action which he claims as an artist
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