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uit Frans in Engels Godsdiens Translation Glossary

Frans term Engels translation
La carte des circonscriptions religieuses diocese boundaries
la Sainte Cène Holy Communion
le père économe Bursar
Entered by: David BUICK
le salut soit sur son envoyé peace and blessings be upon the Messenger ..
le transfert solennel the formal/official transfer
Entered by: Florence Bremond
le transfert solennel des reliques de [X] the official (formal) transfer of [X]'s remains
Entered by: Florence Bremond
liberté de croyance freedom of religion
lieu doublement sacré twice sacred site
Entered by: Lara Barnett
lundi perdu ou parjuré Lost Monday or Betrayal Monday
Marché-Goy Goy Market
mariale marian (relating or pertaining to the Virgin Mary)
Marlene (Jubilee) Marian Jubilee?
me croire tout à vous Sincerely yours in Jesus Christ (Our Lord and Saviour)
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
none nones [around 3 pm]
Entered by: Tony M
oblation perpetuelle perpetual dedication
officiers domaniaux Estate stewards
ordres mendiants mendicant orders
Otoy non scautant You who know nothing
personnification personification
ptre-curé ministre parish priest
rabat et recouvrement cover /covering with flaps
rayonnement good influence
règles de fonctionnement can define/identify rules of working practice
relations sacrificielles sacrificial rites
religions du livre Religions of the Book
rentrée indented / forked
reverend ( Church of England ) minister
S.D. : NEANT Particulars = None
sacrifiant one who offers a sacrifice/sacrificer
sacrificateur ritual slaughterer
Saint Dié Saint Dié/ Saint Deodatus
sainte réserve The Reservation of the Most Holy Eucharist
sanctuaire paroisse sanctuary parish
Entered by: AllegroTrans
soeurs officières women warders
St Jean Baptiste same guy in French and in English but...
testament spirituel spiritual testament
veillée de prière la bougie candlelight prayer vigil
vie life (in a transcendental sense)
vie d’intimité intimate relationship/intimate life/life of intimacy
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