The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

uit Duits in Engels Sosiale wetenskap, sosiologie, etiek, ens Translation Glossary

Duits term Engels translation
Maßnahmebeitrag contribution for the (vocational) training
Maturaabschluss university-entrance diploma
Entered by: Erik Freitag
Männergruppe with your mates, among men ... re-write
medizinisch-topographische Atlanten medical-topographic atlases
Mehrbrillenprinzip principle of multiple points of view
Mehrgenerationenhäuser multi-generation household
Meinungsmacht opinion supremacy
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Hudson
Meinungsströme currents of opinion
Meldegesetz Registration Act
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
menschlichen Handelns und Denkens human agency and thought
mitflechten incorporated
mitgebracht (tney) have brought with (them)
Mittelstandsküche soup kitchen for the (impoverished) middle class
Modulverschnitttreffen meetings to discuss module sections
Multiplikator(in) disseminator
MultiplikatorInnen-Tätigkeit multiplicator activity
nahe an...... gelegenen tailored towards the requirements
Nationale Einstellung & Soziale Einstellung Nationalist & Social Outlook (compass vs. allegiance)
niedergeredet talked down to/ reduced to silence
Nutzungsräume their habitual environment
offiziell bekämpfte Armutsquote official poverty remediation/mitigation rate
Organisationsablauf schedule
Entered by: Rowan Morrell
Passungskonzept Person-environment fit
Patenschaften vermitteln facilitate sponsorships
philosophische Neukonzeptualisierung rethinking the philosophical concept of alienation
Platte plates
politischer Bildner civic educator
Praktikumsbeurteilung work placement assessment
privatöffentlich private-public
Prolli prol/prole
quartiersnahe Sorgekonzepte neighbo(u)rhood care models
Entered by: Steffen Walter
querschlagend incompatible
rauer Berufsalltag harsh reality of the daily work routine
Recht bekam won her case
relativierbar It is not possible to relativise human rights
Resträume der Verlierer losers' wasteland
rettende Insel safe haven
Entered by: Robert Mouris
Rumpfform rudimentary form
S.H. Seine Hoch(ehr)wurden; Seine Hochwohlgeboren; Seine Hoheit - The Honorable, The Noble, His Highness
Schätzergebnis resulting estimate
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